Q&A - I don't really have a question right now just wanna say that you have some of my favorite licks and solos of all time !


I don't really have a question right now just wanna say that you have some of my favorite licks and solos of all time ! -Fred A.


Thanks for your kind words, Fred.

I have often wondered why, out of so many great players out there, some are successful and some aren’t.

To me, it boils down to LOVE. When someone is so engaged; enmeshed; addicted to; obsessed by; in love with what they do, they get good at it. When that love spills over to others who share those feelings, they band together and, with luck, create greatness. Then, with luck, the greatness finds itself in the hands of others who share the love of the craft to the degree they have become adept at getting it out to the world. Once out in the world, with luck, it catches on.

I am hugely grateful and appreciative of the fact that my love for the craft found its way into so many hearts.