Yohimbe is one of the 31 ingredients in the Human Tribe Tea.
The yohimbine in yohimbe bark tea acts on the body in several different ways. It increases the production of norepinephrine, a naturally-occurring hormone.
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) is involved in regulating fat metabolism, energy levels, blood pressure, mental focus, motivation and many more functions in the body.
Yohimbine also increases the body’s potential to become sexually aroused as well as improving sensitivity to touch. It has a significant effect on sex drive in both men and women and has been reported to improve sexual enjoyment by many users.
In research studies, yohimbe and yohimbine supplements have been observed to help:
- Alleviate anxiety, especially when anxiety is rooted in fears or phobias
- Improve the mood
- Improve sexual arousal and orgasm
- Alleviate the symptoms of erectile dysfunction
- Boost energy and improve exercise performance
Some people also use yohimbine to treat orthostatic hypotension and dry mouth. Traditionally, yohimbe tea was also used as a cough suppressant and to relieve fever symptoms.
Yohimbe is one of many beneficial ingredients in the Human Tribe tea.
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