Q&A - Hearing EVH for the first time

What was your reaction the very first time you heard Eddie Van Halen? I can still remember exactly where I was / what I was doing when I heard EVH for the first time. -Dana J.

RF: Great question.

I too remember clearly where we were: on the tour bus with Heart. Bro Mike had been telling us about this amazing new guitar player from LA. Then he played a (I think) cassette. Oh my god, we were all blown away! I knew we were hearing a star about to be born.

Not long after, they came to see us at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. We met and let them know how much we appreciated the band. They asked if they could come up and hang on stage left during our set. We said, “Sure, go ahead and get up there.” When our road manager saw what was going on, he wanted them off the stage. We told him we wouldn’t play unless they were there. They stayed and watched and Eddie and I became pretty good friends for a little while, exchanging gifts back and forth, hanging out together when they played Seattle. After awhile we didn’t stay in touch anymore.

Eddie was a pioneer and conquered greatness. Hats off to a hard working Dutch boy :-)